This policy outlines the status of senior office holders of the CICC when vying for positions other than, or in addition to, their normal church responsibilities. It is important that office holders are aware and fully understand these conditions beforehand. The intention is not to discourage people from putting their hands up, but rather to outline what the boundaries and expectations are insofar as holding important church positions are concerned.
The non-church positions being referred to in this policy as those other than the church ones currently held, include the following:
Government: Ministers,members of Parliament Mayors, councillors Public servants from junior up to head of department level Government representatives in the outer islands
Non-Government: Traditional leaders, community organisations, sports organisations
Private sector: All positions from junior to executive level
Except for a Minister, all other members may hold an office(s) other than their position on the Executive Council. They may also contest non-church positions. However, it is important for members to take their responsibilities on the Executive Council seriously and must therefore be careful not to be “over-loaded” to the extent that they may encounter difficulties fulfilling their council duties.
A Minister on the council must resign from the council if he wishes to run for public office, such as parliamentary election, councils election, etc. In the event that he does not succeed, he will not be reinstated as an Ekalesia caretaker Minister. The Committee of Ministers may, however, assign him to other tasks in the CICC if he wishes to continue serving in the church.
Other members on the council who wish to run for public office must take leave from the council for the duration of the campaign period, or whenever they commence their campaign activities. If the member succeeds in the election, he will resign from the council and his position will be filled. If the member does not succeed, his possible reinstatement will be a matter for the council to discuss.
A Minister of the church is a full-time responsibility and as such, cannot and should not hold other types of positions to such an extent that those positions will require him to be away from his flock and church responsibilities frequently and for extended periods of time.
Ministers are not to hold any Government or private sector position except other non- Government positions. If they wish to do so, they must first resign from being a Minister of the CICC. The only exception to this rule are those Ministers in New Zealand and Australia who, as per section 7.26 of the CICC Manual 2010, are allowed to seek employment for the sustenance of their families.
A caretaker Minister of an Ekalesia must resign from his pastoral duties if he wishes to run for public office, such as parliamentary election, councils election, etc. In the event that he does not succeed, he will not be reinstated as an Ekalesia caretaker Minister.
The Committee of Ministers may, however, assign him to other tasks in the CICC if he wishes to continue serving in the church. It is therefore very important that Ministers are fully aware of their original commitment and the consequences of their desire to seek positions other than their pastoral duties. They must decide between the 2 masters and they cannot have both.
An Assistant Minister of the church is a very senior position that the Ekalesia has bestowed on someone who it believes and trusts that he will serve in that position fairly, faithfully and impartially. It is a privileged position that very few get to be appointed to. So in a lot of ways, it carries almost the same weight as a Minister.
As such, an Assistant Minister in an Ekalesia who wishes to run for public office must take leave from that position for the duration of the campaign period, or whenever he commences his campaign activities. If he succeeds, he will resign from being an Assistant Minister and his position will be filled if the Ekalesia wishes for the vacant position to be filled. If, on the other hand, he does not succeed, his possible reinstatement will be a matter for the Ekalesia to discuss.
Renewal of the position (either new holder or reinstatement of the previous holder), must comply with section 6.3 of the CICC Procedures Manual 2010, i.e. Ekalesia to first select its nominee and a recommendation to this effect sent to the CICC Executive Council for approval.
There is no restriction on the number of positions programme directors can hold. However, it is important that they take their responsibilities seriously and must therefore be careful not to be “over-loaded” to the extent that they may encounter difficulties fulfilling their duties as programme directors.
When running for public office, the conditions stipulated above also applies to the programme directors. That is, they must take leave, resign if successful, or may be reinstated subject to approval by the CICC Executive Council.
People employed as full-time office workers at Takamoa are not expected to assume paid full-time positions elsewhere. They may, however, be employed part-time after-hours. There is no restriction on the non-Government positions office workers can hold.
However, it is important that they take their responsibilities seriously and must therefore be careful not to be “over-loaded” to the extent that they may encounter difficulties fulfilling their duties as full- time office employees.
When running for public office, the conditions stipulated above also applies to the office workers. That is, they must take leave, resign if successful, or may be reinstated subject to approval by the CICC General Secretary.
Office workers wishing to undertake contract work may do so in their own time.
(Approved by the CICC Executive Council, 26 August 2010)