The CICC Head Office Administration is located in the Mission House at Takamoa. Its day-to-day operations are managed by the General Secretary, Administration Officer, Director of Publications, and an office assistant. They are accountable to the CICC Executive Council which itself is accountable to the CICC General Assembly.
The office is responsible for the following key tasks:
- Implementation of administration-related resolutions passed by both the General Assembly and the Executive Council
- Management of CICC finances
- Management of the Tepuka property
- Secretariat to the Executive Council
- Organisation and management of the CICC assemblies
- General office administration
Office hours are 9.00am – 3.00pm, Monday to Friday, closed during public holidays.
Contacts for more information
Nga Mataio
CICC General Secretary
Office Phone: 26547, Mobile: 78421
Email: (wk) or (hm)
Nga Mitiau-Manavaikai
Administration Officer
Phone: 26546
Mauri Toa
Director of Publication
Phone: 26546