Ekalesia Townsville, Cook Islands Christian Church


Address of church: 12 Yoolantie Street, Vincent, Townsville, North Queensland, Australia

Office Bearer

Minister: Sorimata Riu
Secretary: Soa Tini Junior 
Assistant secretary: Upokoina Kauraka
Assistant Treasurer: Rite Taia 
Deacons Secretary: Paroa Niukore  


  • 25 Adults
  • 14 Youth
  • 15 Children


The Townsville Cook Islands Christian Church was established about 12 years ago. It is not yet an ordained financial member because it is not yet able to comply with certain conditions in the policy for establishing new church branches.

Nevertheless because of Cook Islanders moving into town to stay, it was felt necessary to have the branch established to cater for their spiritual needs. Members are mainly Cook Islanders, but other nationalities are most welcome to join in any of its organised programmes and activities.


The Minister is the chairperson for all church meetings including the Deacons’ meeting. The overall administrator is the Secretary who has an assistant to share the responsibilities.

The Treasurer looks after the church’s finances and reports regularly to church meetings. The church complies with the contents of the CICC Manual which contains the terms of reference of church posts, as well as church policies and procedures.


There are 4 departments in the Townsville branch; Deacons’ Meeting, Sunday School, Women’s Fellowship, and Christian Youth. Each has its own programmes and activities which are linked in with the overall church programme.


The church as a whole meets every 3 months (quarterly meeting) to discuss progress of things over the last 3 months, and look at the programme for the coming 3 months. The Deacons; meeting is held every last Sunday of the month. Individual departments hold their own meetings which are scheduled in such a way as to not clash with the general meeting of the church.


Religion is an in-built thing in the hearts of Cook Islanders. It is part and parcel of their everyday life, and this applies very much to those living in Townsville. People look forward to the organised activities of the week, which of course culminates with the Sunday service.

On normal Sunday services, church members wear their best clothes because to them, only the best will do when coming before the Lord. On this note, informal/casual wear is not the norm and not encouraged. On the first Sunday of the month when everyone part-takes in the communion, all members wear white: white suites for men, white long dress for women, and white for all other members.

It is generally preferred that all members are in the church before any service begins. It can be disruptive if members come in after the service has commenced, so members and intending members are kindly requested to keep this at the back of their minds.


Like most CICC branches, the Townsville CICC follows the Scripture Union daily reading plan. Ministers and church members preparing their sermons and/or services usually comply with the plan.

Sermons in the church are delivered in both Cook Islands Maori and English. This caters for both parents and adults who prefer the Maori language, and children born/raised outside of the Cook Islands whose mother tongue is normally English.

Regular Church Services

The regular church service is at 1.30pm every Sunday. The order is as follows:
  • Invocation
  • Notices and announcements
  • Offering and its dedication
  • Sunday School hymn (imene Apii Sabati)
  • Prayer of con
  • fession/Lord’s prayer
  • Bible readingTraditional hymn (imene tuki)
  • Bible reading
  • Prayer of thanksgiving/intercession
  • Traditional hymn
  • Sermon
  • Sunday School hymn
  • Vesper

A normal service of the above order runs for about an hour, with the actual sermon taking from 15 – 25 minutes. Variations of the above order happen during special services. Functions and ceremonies are also held in the church, for example baptism, marriage, bereavement service, etc.

Contact for more Information

Minister: Rev. Sorimata Riu
Ph: 07 4789 0350

Secretary: Soa Tini Jnr 
Ph: 07 4789 1420 
Email: soa_tini@hotmail.com